Select Papers


H. Lee, R. Chow, M. Haghighat, H.M. Patterson, and A. Kolbsa. IoT Service Store: A Web-based System for Privacy-aware IoT Service Discovery and Interaction. IEEE Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom2018).

H. M. Patterson, “Physical Computing’s Connected and Shape-Changing Future,” in IEEE Pervasive Computing, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 7-11, October-December 2017.
doi: 10.1109/MPRV.2017.3971132

A. Zafiroglu, H. M. Patterson, and F. McCreary. Living Comfortably in Glass Houses. 2016 Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference Proceedings, p. 540, ISSN 1559-8918,

P. J. Bruening and H. M. Patterson. A Context-Driven Rethink of the Fair Information Practice Principles. SSRN Artificial Intelligence — Law, Policy, and Ethics eJournal. Available at

M.J. Bietz, G. Hayes, M. Morris, H. Patterson, and L. Stark. Creating Meaning in a World of Quantified Selves. IEEE Pervasive Computing, April-June 2016, at

H. Patterson, A. Zafiroglu, and F. McCreary. Facets: A Framework for Developing Privacy-Minded Usages. ACM-CHI 2016 extended abstract for workshop: Bridging the Gap between Privacy by Design and Privacy in Practice, at

F. McCreary, A. Zafiroglu, and H. Patterson. The Contextual Complexity of Privacy in Smart Homes and Smart Buildings. To appear in Proc. of HCI International 2016.

H. Nissenbaum and H. Patterson. Biosensing in Context: Health Privacy in a Connected World (2016), Quantified: Biosensing Technologies in Everyday Life:D. Nafus, Ed. MIT Press.

H. Patterson, Contextual Expectations of Privacy in Self-Generated Health Information Flows (2013), TPRC 41, Sept. 27-29, at

H. Patterson and H. Nissenbaum. Context-Dependent Expectations of Privacy in Self-Generated Mobile Health Data (2013), Privacy Law Scholars Conference, June 6-7, 2013, at

Before the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California, Proposed Smart Grid Privacy Policies and ProceduresOpening Response of the Center for Democracy & Technology and the Electronic Frontier Foundation to Assigned Commissioner’s Ruling of September 27, 2010.

Before the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California, Proposed Smart Grid Privacy Policies and ProceduresReply Comments of the Center for Democracy & Technology to Assigned Commissioner’s Ruling of September 27, 2010.

Before the U.S. Copyright Office Library of Congress, In the Matter of Exemption to Prohibition on Circumvention of Copyright Protection Systems for Access Control Technologies, Comments of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Docket No. RM 2011-07.

Cognitive science:

H. Patterson Knapp & D. Corina. A Human Mirror Neuron System for Language: Perspectives from Signed Languages of the Deaf, 112 Brain and Language 36 (2010).

D. Corina & H. Patterson. Neurobiology of Signed Languages, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences, P.C. Hogan, ed., Cambridge University Press (2010).

H. Patterson Knapp, H. Cho, & D. Corina, D. Sign Language Biological Motion Perception: Perception of Sign language and Human Actions, Sign Languages: Spinning and Unraveling the Past, Present, and Future, R.M. de Quadros, ed., Arara Azul (2008).

D. Corina & H. Patterson Knapp. Signed Language and Human Action Processing: Evidence for Functional Constraints on the Human Mirror Neuron System, 1145 Proceedings of the New York Academy of Sciences 100 (2008).

H. Patterson Knapp & D.P. Corina. Cognitive and Neural Representations of Language: Insights from Sign Languages of the Deaf, Signs & Voices: Deaf Culture, Identity, Language, and Arts, D. Deluca, K. Lindgren, and D.J. Napoli eds., Gallaudet University Press (2008).

D. Corina, Y. Chiu, H. [Patterson] Knapp, R. Greenwald, L. San Jose-Robertson, & A. Braun. Neural Correlates of Human Action Observation in Hearing and Deaf Subjects 1152 Brain Research 111 (2007).

D. Corina, D. & H. [Patterson] Knapp. Sign Language Processing in the Mirror Neuron System, 42 Cortex 529 (2006).

D. Corina & H. [Patterson] Knapp. Sign Language Psycholinguistics, Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, K. Brown, ed., Elsevier (2006).

D. Corina, D. & H. [Patterson] Knapp. Psycholinguistic and Neurolinguistic Perspectives on Sign Languages, Handbook of Psycholinguistics, M. Traxler, ed., Elsevier (2006).

D. Corina & H. [Patterson] Knapp. Lexical retrieval in American Sign Language Production, Papers in Laboratory Phonology 8: Varieties of Phonological Competence, L.M. Goldstein, D.H. Whalen, and C.T. Best, eds., Mouton de Gruyter (2006).

H. [Patterson] Knapp & A. Cheek. Forward to Phonological Structure in Signed Languages, Modality and Structure in Signed and Spoken Languages, R. P. Meier, K. Cormier, and D. Quinto-Pozos eds., Cambridge University Press (2002).

H.M. Sussman, T.P. Marquardt, J. Doyle, & H. [Patterson] Knapp. Phonemic Integrity and Contrastiveness in Developmental Apraxia of Speech, Investigations in Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics, F. Windsor, M.L. Kelly, and N. Hewlett eds., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (2002).